Farmland Information Management
Instantly generates HD images of farmland.
Automatically identifies farmland borders based on AI to obtain the area of each parcel of field.

Intelligent Field Scouting and Analysis
Checks the terrain height differences of farmland and provides guidance on the level of each parcel of field.
Monitors crop diseases and insect pests in farmland, implementing field scouting that is 100 times more efficient than conventional methods.
Monitors crop growth to promptly discover differences in growth and enable targeted remedies.
Variable-Rate Operations Guidance
3D Route Generation
Case Studies

Enhance Precision While Reducing Cost
Released by DJI Agriculture’s partner in Hungary, PlantaDrone used Multispectral Drone to monitor farmland before and after sowing, separated the emergence locations of Cirsium arvense based on NDVI, and generated a precision spraying prescription map. The map was then uploaded to the drone for spraying. This way, the drone successfully conducted precision weeding, which reduced both herbicide use and costs.

Increase Yield with Less Fertilizer
In 2022, the variable fertilization solution for rice enabled rice producers in Japan to reduce the amount of chemical fertilizer by 11% while increasing production by 9%. The solution solved various problems, such as excessive fertilization in particular areas, delayed maturity, and lodging.

Reduce Manual Labor
In the Southern Jiangxi Province of China, Mr Liu Yanghai previously needed to hire ten workers for two days to spray 150 mu (24.7 acres) of orchard. Now, he can finish spraying within 3.5 hours by using DJI T40 and the 3D routes for fruit trees.

Boost Yield on a Large Scale
In 2021, the precision variable-rate operation solution successfully improved the yield of a 5,000-mu (823.7-acre) experimental cotton field owned by Xufeng Agricultural Cooperative by 10%, at a yield of 610 kg per mu (8,150 lb/acre).